Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Daycare Day 2

First of all, I'm happy to report that everything went really well yesterday. She didn't nap much, but I'm figuring that she was a little confused by the new place and all the new noises. However, that proved to be a good thing for us because she slept like a rock last night!

Today was going well too when I got over there for her mid-day feeding. She had taken a 90-minute nap and was ready to eat as soon as she saw me. We spent some quiet time in a side room (which was much better than nursing her in the "library" yesterday which is just an area with books in the middle of the church's hallway). She was all smiles - except when I tried to take her picture.

Everyone asked me if I'm struggling with her being in daycare, and I can honestly say no. I think it's because I got used to being away from her for my first month of work and knew that even though she wasn't with me, she was in very good and loving hands between my mom, sister-in-law Kathy and mother-in-law Marilyn.

I also think the reason I'm not struggling with it is because the church where she is going is just amazing. Everyone there is so nice and caring, and I can tell it's going to be a nurturing environment for her. She even had her first music class today and they went outside for a little bit. I am beyond thrilled that she was able to get in there and look forward to sharing lots of fun stories with everyone about her experiences and adventures.

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