Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Finished: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

This was my first Kindle book, and I have to say that while I do miss having an actual book, I love having the ability to read so easily. I did most of my reading during my lunch breaks when I go over to feed Madeline.

This is the third (and final) book in the Millenium series. The author passed away before things really took off, which is so sad because he never got to see his works become worldwide successes. I loved this book and the entire series. While I did tend to get some of the names confused (the books are based in Sweden and the names blend together), I think that together the books tell a great story.

I highly recommend the series to anyone looking for good books; however, be forewarned that they do take a little to get into. His style is quite distinct and he is very detailed in his writing - maybe too much in some spots.

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