Monday, October 31, 2011

I'm an awful blogger

I want to apologize for those of you who try to keep up with us via this blog. I'm not making it easy considering I haven't posted in over a month!

First off, big news on the Leymon front. Our family of three will be a family of four sometime around June 5th of next year:

And as much as I hate to do this in one lump-sum post, here are a few of the pics we took this month of Madeline. I guess the fact that I didn't stop that often to take pics means we had fun, right? Or that I was too tired, sick and generally swamped to do so :-(

Ever wonder what happens when you give a toddler M&Ms? Here's your answer:

And just so everyone knows, this isn't what we wake up to each day:

We have to work through this first:

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