Sunday, June 24, 2012

Newborn Photo Fun

We scheduled these pics for June 9th, just about 10 days after Charlotte arrived. That's supposed to be the optimal time because of how much kids sleep. I fed Charlotte three times before we left so that she wouldn't be hungry when we were there. I kept her in a onesie because I knew if I put her in her pictures outfit she'd puke on it in the car. 

When we got to the studio, Brian went to get Charlotte dressed. He noticed she needed to be changed, so he starts changing her diaper, and Charlotte then proceeds to poop and pee on the photographer's sofa. Thankfully it was leather and not fabric. Brian shuffles to get it all cleaned up without making a scene, and we start snapping pics. Two pics in, Charlotte starts screaming and needs to eat. I get her fed and we start taking pictures again. Then we noticed an unbelievable stink coming from Madeline. Brian goes to change her, and he said it's literally the largest poop he thinks she's ever taken. This was all within 20 minutes of getting there.

We spent at least half of our one hour session cleaning one or the other up, so I'm still amazed we managed to get any decent pictures.

These are low-res screen grabs from the online ordering site. I'll update the page with the better-quality files in a few weeks when we get them in. But til then, enjoy!

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