Monday, May 6, 2013

40 by 40 - Good Deeds 33 & 34

As Madeline's third birthday festivities come to a close and we look toward Charlotte's first birthday at the end of the month, I started thinking about how blessed I am to have two happy, healthy kids. Somehow my mind wandered to those who aren't as lucky as I am, and I decided that Make a Wish would be the recipient of some of my good deeds.

Good Deed #33 is that I sent off my volunteer form. I am not sure what capacity I'll help in, but I want to do something. And typically marketing folks tend to be popular at non profits. We'll see what role I can play. It's obviously hard to do a lot when you have two little ones, but I know there's some way I can help.

Good Deed #34 is that I included a small donation with my form.

I did this in honor of my girls. They bring me more joy than I ever thought possible, and I wanted to do something for those families who haven't been as lucky as we are.

And I think as I draw closer to 40, my deeds will be more focused on things that honor the people I love.

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