Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Madeline's First Ballet Class

Saturday was Madeline's first ballet class. All week she'd been really weird about trying on her outfit and I was getting really worried that she wasn't going to cooperate. Even that morning, I wasn't feeling overly optimistic that she was going to enjoy it.

As we left, I bribed her with m&ms to get her to let me take a picture. This is what I ended up with.

As class was getting ready to start, she tried everything she could think of to actually leave the class. But once they were up and going, it was smooth sailing.

This seriously was the cutest thing I have ever seen. She really enjoyed herself. And the women that teach this class are amazing. They did such a great job of keeping the kids totally involved. I was so surprised they weren't all over the place.

I sat next to this boy's mom. She was laughing so hard at how little interest he had in this class (which he'd asked to take) that she could barely breathe. Here's the very first routine they did. For the first one out of the gate, I think this went very well.

This routine was Madeline's favorite.

And one of the reasons I love this studio? Check out the music they dance to.

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