Thursday, January 20, 2011

Long-Overdue Pictures

I just got an email from my friend Amanda who has a daughter a few months younger than Madeline, and she was complimenting me on the family pic in the header. At that point I realized I never shared our pictures from the six-month shoot. I had wanted to hold off until Christmas cards went out so people were surprised, but then it left my brain. So here are some of the many, many pictures we took on a gorgeous fall afternoon in early November at the UNM Duck Pond.

The night before her pictures, I realized that the dress I had bought for her to wear was gigantic on her. So the morning of the shoot, I ran to Babies R Us and bought about 10 different things. I ended up with the black, white and pink dress below, which ended up being perfect. On a whim as I ran out the door, I also grabbed my new, sassy pink heels, which I didn't realize until we were there how perfect they matched her dress.

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