15-month stats
Height: 30" (35th percentile)
Weight: 21 lb. 12 oz. (25th percentile)
Head circumference: 47 cm (80th percentile)
18-month stats
Height: 31 1/4" (40th percentile)
Weight: 23 lb. 4 oz. (35th percentile)
Head circumference: 47 cm (80th percentile)
So she grew 1 1/4" and gained about 1 1/2 pounds in three months. Not too bad considering there have been several bouts with the dreaded stomach bug (including one currently underway as we speak). Brian answered a questionnaire about her development and everything looked good there, too.
I can't believe my baby is 1 1/2 years old. Each day I am amazed, delighted, amused, touched and blessed as I watch her change. Some of the things she loves to do right now include:
- Saying "airpane" (can't quite get the L in there yet) anytime she sees one or hears one fly over the house (even when we're inside)
- Say "emmo" for "elmo" when she points at him on her books
- Say "all done" when she is finished eating or drinking (which is usually followed by her flinging her leftovers and/or her cup over the side of the high chair if you don't take it right away)
- Crawling up the stairs as soon as we say "it's time for night night"
- Crawl in your lap and hand you a book to read, all the while saying "book book book"
- Saying 'side when she really wants to go outside and play bubbles
Apparently the "all done" also made an appearance at the doctor's appointment today as she reached for the door saying "all done all done."
We are looking forward to the holidays and seeing her little face shine in the lights of the tree. Can't believe this time next year she'll be a big sister.
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