Saturday, November 19, 2011

It's the perfect day for family pictures - or so we thought

Today we got Madeline dressed in her cute Christmas dress and Brian and I got all spiffied up so that we could have pictures taken for our holiday card. Madeline was in a great mood at the house before we left, and she took a little nap in the car en route.

She was all smiles in the waiting room as I combed her hair. I put her hair bow in and even put a little gloss on her lips.

Then we walked into the studio room, and everything fell apart.

Maybe the room was too small.

Maybe it reminded her of a doctor's office.

Whatever it was, she wanted nothing to do with it. After almost 10 minutes of constant screaming, we left - moments later, she was fine.

So if you see a family picture on our holiday card, treasure it. Who knows what it's going to take at this point to get one.

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